Julien Salé

Full-stack developer

building web-apps with React & Node.js

developer illustration
Picture of the project Institut de l'Engagement

Institut de l'Engagement






Here is Sextant, the management web application built for "l'Institut de l'Engagement".


I developed this application alongside Galadrim, as the main developer on the project.


The front-end was built with React and Redux, and the back-end with NestJS and Prisma.



The application is made of 3 major blocs:

  • applications

  • mentoring

  • administrator back-office



The Institute's mission

The Institute has the objective of supporting young people (16-25y.o.) to achieve their projects.


In some cases, they can benefit from a financial support.

To do so, they need to become *laureates".


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Picture of the project Artaslie - Drawing store

Artaslie - Drawing store





This app was designed to allow an artist to offer her services as a cartoonist.

The users can order a personnalized drawing, as well as buying an already drawn piece in the gallery.


Order a drawing

Command types and price scales are completely under the administrator's control. (The said admin is the cartoonist).

For example, we can imagine the following offers:

  • 1 character for 5€

  • 3 character for 13€

  • 6 character for 25€


The admin is free to chose the offers she wants to make from the administration part.


Also, the client can choose whether to accept the publishing of the drawing in the gallery. In such a case, other users will have the possibility to buy this specific drawing.


Buying a drawing

Users can buy the drawing presented in the gallery.

Some of them are drawings that were made for other clients, and others are simply drawings the administrator did by herself.


To keep an interest for the user to buy a drawing, the drawings presented in the gallery have a lower resolution and are protected by an auto-generated watermark.

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Picture of the project Egyptian Tarot

Egyptian Tarot




This app is the first part of a sales funnel.


It is possible for you to visit it. However, if you do not want to input your own information, you can simply use my email address instead: sale.julien@protonmail.com


Principle of the application

the system here is pretty linear.


First, the users come on the landing page, where they have to pick 4 card (for money, love, work and health).

The cards are shuffled every time the page is reloaded, giving a better experience.


Once they picked their cards, they have to give some information (name, emaill address and date of birth) to access next pages.


Then, they access a second page. At then end of this page, they have to choose the theme which interests them the most between between money, love, work and health.


After waiting for a loading page, they can access their prediction.

This prediction is automatically generated based on the data collected in the previous steps.

For each, a text is dynamically displayed:

  • The date of birth is used to determine the egyptian astrological sign of the users, and display an paragraph describing the specificities of their sign

  • A different text is displayed for the picked cards. Each card has a total of 4 variants (one for each theme).

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React logoReact
Node.js logoNode.js
Typescript logoTypescript
NestJS logoNestJS
Next.js logoNext.js
Prisma logoPrisma
Redux logoRedux
Material UI logoMaterial UI
Tailwind logoTailwind
Django logoDjango
Jest logoJest
Docker logoDocker
GraphQL logoGraphQL
Solidity logoSolidity


Léa M.

We are really satisfied with Julien's work, very clean. Great communication as well !

Alexis L.

Very good work! Done quickly and correctly. Julien understood my expectations and applied the guidelines very well. On top of that, he anticipates possible objections even before they are formulated, so I had very few modifications to ask. For my next projects, when I need a web developer, he is definitely the first person I will call!